
Has Coinage Exposed The Beast of Revelation?

Has Coinage Exposed The Beast of Revelation

History is told in more than books.  It’s also documented by ancient and modern coinage.  Has coinage exposed the beast of revelation?  The verse stating, “so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name,” is a reference to coinage.  How do I know?  What has been required by every large government in order for anyone to buy or sell?  Bartering has always been the most primitive form of trade.  Jacob had refused to assist Esau without a trade.  Some tribes around the world still utilize yams as their currency.   Have you heard of the Assyrian King Ashurbanipal?

666 is a year in which King Ashurbanipal Reigned.

First acknowledge how the Holy Bible is a book of books that came from the East to influence the West.  Genealogy begins with the book of Genesis, as the history of the behaviors and cultures of tribes/peoples in Africa and the Middle East is told.  This is how Muslims, Jews, and Christians all share the same Old Testaments.   Africa was condemned twice for partaking in slavery.  First in Exodus, and again in Revelation.  It’s still the only continent that profits from exporting all forms of ivory.  Coinage also was a practice in the East introduced to the West.

Biblical  References

Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.”    The Assyrian King Ashurbanipal reigned from 668 to 627BC.   666 is a year in which he reigned.

“And I saw something like a sea of glass mixed with fire, beside which stood those who had conquered the beast and its image and the number of its name.”  I could be wrong, but I also think this verse refers to a natural catastrophic event, such as a meteor strike in the desert.   “The Assyrian king Ashurbanipal decorated the walls of his palace with realistic carvings of his lion hunts, and such imagery strongly influenced the royal iconography of many ancient empires.” – coinweek

How has coinage exposed the Beast of Revelation?  Coin collecting is called the king of hobbies and hobby of kings.  How many leaders of countries can you find their faces upon money?   Truth be told, it doesn’t matter whom we allow to influence us, because we all run and hide from the path of the wrath of nature the same as any other creature, regardless of our own entitlements.   We’re still empowered however, to assist one another as neighbors through any calamities.

has coinage exposed the beast of revelation
King Ashurbanipal Nineveh, Assyria. Photo credit: British Museum

Speech In The Bible

Speech in the Holy Bible can be interpreted as both figurative and literal.  This is why it’s been difficult for so many to understand it.  For instance, some people perceive the apocalyptic horsemen literally, as men on horses, when in fact it may actually be a reference to volcanoes. 

All throughout biblical texts, it’s been made evident, in poetic form, that we humans don’t get to command nature and make it obey us without question, and that’s how only God is Sovereign.  Entire civilizations have been wiped out by natural catastrophic events, also referenced as a day of the Lord.   In modern times America, schools describe extended snow days as “acts of God.”

Jesus is King Beyond Revelation

Jesus is King of the world and beyond.  He’s known to myself and people of numerous nations as one who taught social behavior to humans.  He didn’t teach us not to judge at all but to judge with sound judgment.  For instance, every creature of nature displays self defense mechanisms.  Therefore, don’t strike to avoid being struck back.  This is what he may have implied he when said,  In everything, then, do to others as you would have them do to you.  For this is the essence of the Law and the Prophets.” 

Jonah's Tomb and the Hidden Library

Obviously my opinions and views are my own, and everyone has their own point of view.  It’s okay to disagree with me.  There are many people in the world who don’t understand the Holy Bible as history of peoples in Africa and The Middle East.  However, I think understanding it provides insight for how the East has influenced the West. 

African slavery didn’t derive in Native America anymore than coinage did.  Yet, Native Americans were aware of “one creator” as “The Great Spirit,” long before the book made its way to West!  “They raise their voices, they shout for joy; from the west they proclaim the majesty of the LORD. Therefore glorify the LORD in the east!” 

When Jonah’s tomb was destroyed by ISIS, exposing the Assyrian King Ashurbanipal’s library, it should’ve been a cue to the rest of world that the Holy Bible is no fantasy book, but world history.  Children are still sacrificed in rituals as a religious practice by people in Africa!  Be wise with whom you allow to influence you and how.  Now that the Assyrian King’s Library has been found, apply it wisely!

As the World Turns and the Sun Burns

For future reference, beware of people and governments converting to cryptocurrency.  Money has been made from metals and plants for centuries. Despite that it’s only one form of trade, it’s been the most reliable form of currency to date.  Digital currency is as vulnerable to solar storms as radio, GPS, and internet technology.  Anyone applying cryptocurrency is as much at risk for loss, as I’m aware ownership of any digital properties might be destroyed should such another catastrophic natural event wreak havoc.

On the bright side, should any natural catastrophic event take place, at least be aware of how to make the most of it!  For instance, anytime there is an earthquake or volcano, gold can be found near the fissures. Meteors turn sand into marketable glass.  It was written that “wisdom and understanding is better than silver and gold,”  because obtaining the former enables one to retrieve the latter.  Never stop praising the maker because we’re all bound to meet up sooner or later!