Tag: powerful herbs
Natural Antivirals: Benefits of Onions & Garlic

Natural Antivirals: Benefits of Onions & Garlic
Once upon a time….”Ulysses S. Grant (an army commander and past president) sent an urgent message to the War Department: ”I will not move my army without onions! ” Moreover, three trainloads were delivered to the front the next day. This leader believed onions prevented dysentery and other ills.” With such a command begged the question, are onions really antiviral?
Furthermore, recent study about the combination of Quercetin, Vitamin C, and Bromelain revealed that “QCB” was protective for healthcare workers. This means that healthcare workers taking QCB are protected from contracting the coronavirus.
Furthermore, “with a broad range of antiviral activity, quercetin is known among scientists for its ability to intervene at multiple steps of pathogen virulence, including inhibiting virus entry, replication, and protein assembly. Healing is amplified by the co-administration of vitamin C. It’s suspected that quercetin is even powerful enough to inhibit the HIV virus. Studies are also being done to understand how it helps battle cancer.
Moreover, a lack of severe side effects along with low-costs indicates the combined administration of such compounds as effective, for both the prophylaxis and early treatment of respiratory tract infections. “A prescription isn’t necessary to obtain the medicine, even if you can’t just incorporate onions and oranges into your diet.
Pay Attention to the Power of Plants!
Diet Directly Impacts Health
Furthermore, knowledge of what specific herbs to eat, or what supplements to take protects individuals from deadly infections when applied wisely. It’s vital for all essentials on the front lines to be informed. For instance, Isaiah used figs to heal boils.
Moreover, “research has proven a relationship between functional components of food, health and well-being. In other words, food as medicine assists in the treatment and prevention of diseases.”
International Knowledge
“Onion and garlic are natural plant sources harboring antiviral properties. It’s well-known among scientists around the world that onion and garlic are rich source of organosulfur compounds.” The quercetin found in onions and allicin found in garlic, successfully inhibit diverse viruses. Both the ebola & zika viruses were successfully treated using quercetin.
Moreover,”considering numerous studies which corroborate antiviral effect of onion and garlic recommends consumption of these plants as a safe alternative to prevent virus infection.” – International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Furthermore, “in a 2016 study, rodents survived after being administered quercetin before being exposed to a lethal load of ebola virus.”
Medicine Comes From Plants
Additionally, scientists extract the medicinal properties found within plants to create medicine or health supplements. First, consider how medicine is made from plants like onions. For instance, aspirin derived of willow tree bark. Then, understand how “natural products serve as an excellent source of biodiversity for discovering natural antivirals. Finally, it’s important to understand the life cycle of a virus and how wisely applying plants as natural antivirals do assist in killing them.
Human Behavior in Pandemic History
This Study Verifies Encouraging The Public To Eat Onions Helped To Put A Halt To The 1918 Flu Pandemic.
If Onions are Antiviral Why Isn’t This Knowledge Being Shared With Everyone?
Future generations need not make the same mistakes as past generations. That’s why history is a subject in school curriculum. It’s important to learn and discern what worked from what didn’t in history. Onions worked because they are a natural antiviral.
Hippocrates Is Famously Known As The Father Of Medicine
He coined the phrase “Food is Medicine.” and it was his belief that eating wholesome food is the basis for good health. Hippocrates also said, “Leave your drugs in the chemist’s pot if you can heal the patient with food.”
The original Hippocratic Oath states, “I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgement, and I will do no harm or injustice to them.” Though an ancient remedy, it’s applicable from one generation to the next because medicine is made from plants.
Coronavirus Spread Rapidly Around The Globe Regardless of Wearing A Mask
Masks offer insufficient protection, or medical staff on the front lines wouldn’t have gotten infected and died from yet another coronavirus. And neither would others who also followed the protocol!
During the Pandemic of 1918 masks were used to no long term avail. Mandating masks didn’t prevent re-surging, and even with laws put in place and sometimes deadly punishment for noncompliance. People started protesting the mask mandate in 2020 much the same as happened in 1918.
According to this scientific study, applying a variety of masks, micro-climate temperature, humidity and skin temperature inside the facemask increased with the start of step exercise, which led to the different perceptions of humidity, heat and high breathing resistance among the subjects wearing them.
Therefore, High breathing resistance made it difficult for the subject to breathe and take in sufficient oxygen. In other words, highly sensitive people feel like they’re suffocating with the cotton over their faces! Mandating masks as like during the 1918 pandemic turned out to be a useless and even dangerous approach.
People began revolting against the mask requirement when infection rates re-surged in 1918 because the masks didn’t inhibit infection then either.
China’s mask mandate changed for students in 2020 after “student deaths stirred controversy over face mask rules in PE classes.”
I’m familiar with CDC protocol, not only as a mother but because I’ve been a caregiver for a living. I’ve tended to infants, the elderly, and the disabled since my own youth. The common cold, (another coronavirus) has led to hospitalizations.
The flu virus has always been deadly for the vulnerable. Wisely applying the knowledge gained from scientific studies of food used for medicinal purposes, was how I learned to nip even the cold or flu in the bud, rather than to let it run its course.
The 2020 Pandemic
People panic purchased as breaking news of the deadly SARS-COV2 (novel coronavirus) went viral. It led to perishables and disinfectant items immediately selling out in all stores.
Masses of people completely unaware of the medicinal purposes that these plants, well known herbs and spices that billions of people primarily use for seasoning, left those items plentiful on store shelves. Instead they hoarded toilet paper!
I Witnessed A Frightened Elder Shed Tears.
We were in the grocery store checkout line chatting about how people were panicked. He wasn’t able to hide his own fear as tears rolled down his cheeks. The coronavirus left a lot of grief and death in its wake before it reached our location. Being empathetic to his feelings and to help ease his alarm, I spoke up with the information I was privy to.
First, I informed him about the anti-viral properties of onions and garlic and how he could use those herbs to protect himself too. I’ll never forget how he lifted his head, made eye contact, and replied with, “Well I already have that in my kitchen pantry!” His reaction was what motivated me to inform others of what I knew for their protection as much as mine.
Second, I shared how onions and garlic included in my regular diet was the reason I wasn’t afraid of contracting a novel virus. I knew of the power within those herbs because of the research I’d already done ahead of time on those plants. Finally, I told him how I’d managed to avoid contracting so much as a cold or flu for more than a few years, just by wisely applying the knowledge I sought out and found in an effort to further educate myself.
Onions and garlic taste excellent combined in meals like pizza. They make an amazing combination in pastas like spaghetti, or stir-fried foods. Onions were an acquired taste for me personally. I didn’t like them at first, but now I can eat them raw and consume them freshly sliced on sandwiches. Garlic I use as a seasoning or mixed in butter.
Search now for recipes with onions & garlic.
Other Studies On Onions
First I found the article of a study done at Cornell University led by Rui Hai Liu, M.D., Ph.D., An Associate Professor of Food Science.
“He stated, “Flavonoids, (proven to treat upper respiroratory tract infections) are a diverse group of phytonutrients (plant chemicals,) found in almost all fruits and vegetables.”
“Onions harbor some of the richest sources of flavonoids in the human diet. Flavonoids are not only anti-cancer but also anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory.”
A Specific Type of Onion.
This scientific study was contributed by Iranian scientists. It concluded that “both extracts, especially aqueous extract of the red onion, destroys the avian influenza virus subtype H9N2.
From other observations, “the fructan from Welsh onions is suggested as one of the active principles exerting an anti-influenza virus effect.”
“Quercetin Is An Effective Medication Even Against The Common Cold!“
This article is meant to inform people of the potent power of plants. Using plants as medicine is the most inexpensive, effective, and beneficial option for improving the overall public health. All around the world. Read more about onions and their usage throughout ancient history.
About The Foods We Eat….
Humans must always be cautious when it comes to food handling and consumption. People have contracted parasites by eating under-cooked or raw meats. Transmission of bacteria and viruses have happened by the mishandling of or exposure to infected creatures.
This Could Happen To Anyone! Anytime! Anywhere!
Doctor have told patients for centuries to eat a healthy diet for good reason. Those who eat healthier live longer and get sick much less often, than those who don’t pay attention or take appropriate action. Here’s another list of antiviral herbs to consider.
With all this in mind BEWARE of how consuming too much of anything can be dangerous. Even drinking too much water has proven to be deadly for humans. Moderation is always best for optimal health.
“Things You Didn’t Learn In Medical School“
Caduceus is the “Staff of Hermes,” a deity in ancient Greek religion and mythology. Wine also has a medicinal purpose. The recommendation, “No longer drink water only, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments,” implied so. – Holy Bible. In other words, wine is useful as a disinfectant.
Anyone consuming alcohol is already ingesting disinfectant!
Another medicinal mention uses olive oil & wine to clean and protect a wound, as was implied in the parable of the good neighbor.
It’s truly a blessing to have a basic grasp of the concept of medicine, but “always consult with your trusted healthcare provider regarding your personal circumstances before adding any supplements to your regimen.” – drugs.com
Learn Next How Stick Bugs Taught Humans To Use The Scent of Peppermint To Repel Bloodsuckers!
- FrontiersInc.Org
- US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health
- Cornell Chronicle
- National Center for Biotechnology Information
- Iranian Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology
- CDC.gov
- ACS Publications
- Journal of American Science
- National Onion Association
- Designs For Health
- International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences
- National Institute of Allergies & Infectious Diseases
- Harvard University
- Britannica.com
- Webmd.com
- Merriam-webster.com
- Immunology.org
- Laphamsquarterly.org
- Researchgate.net
- Businessinsider.com
- Khn.org
- Kmov.com
- Washingtonpost.com
- Publichealthinsider.com
- Livescience.com
- Worldometers.info
- Insider.com
- Biblehub.com
- Drugs.com
- DailyMail.co.uk
- Journal of Infectious Diseases & Preventive Medicine
- Quercetin.com
- Healthline.com
- Medscape.com
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency