Tag: Illinois
Carnival: St. Elizabeth Parish Picnic
Life Is Better On The Farm Happy Trails Farm Logo Mug
Help Support The Happy Trails Farm Horse Rescue Foundation
Help Support The Happy Trails Farm Horse Rescue Foundation
Have you heard of the Happy Trails Farm Horse Rescue Foundation yet?
First of all, this place is spectacular and there are many ways to be of assistance. I’ve personally made arrangements to sell a mug with the farm’s logo featured on it with profits from any sales to be donated to the Happy Trails Farm Horse Rescue Foundation. This item is not found offline. Taking care of rescues is expensive. Sales will benefit the rescues, such as medical expenses, food, and farrier services. Place your secure order by clicking here.
This place has been there for me and mine as an inexpensive family outdoor recreational place to go for many years. They’ve treated us like family and now I wish to return the gesture by paying it forward. You can click here to place a secured order. To learn about other ways you can help this organization Click here to visit their website. Thank you for your time and consideration!
If you would like to donate money without receiving a souvenir you can make checks or money orders payable to Happy Trails Farm Horse Rescue Foundation and mail it to: P.O. Box 1577, Granite City, IL 62040
Read about my experience with Happy Trails Farm.
Find them on Facebook
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Police Confrontations
In The Event of an Encounter with Police Perception Matters and So Do Manners
Encountering a symbol of authority can be anxiety inducing for most people; which makes handling police confrontations more difficult. Therefore, it’s a good thing to be perceptive. It means to be aware of our environment and the behavior of those in it, especially when handling police confrontations.
The Madison County Sheriff’s Department is located in Edwardsville Illinois. They created an educational video to serve as a tool for helping to reduce confrontation anxiety. If you’d rather skip past the lessons and see funny viral videos of police department lip sync challenges, then just keep scrolling down.
Maybe You Were Stopped By Police While in a Rush to Get to Work….
Maybe you’re trying to avoid severe weather, are running late for school, or just appear suspicious. For whatever reason you find yourself stopped by a cop, remain calm and try to be pleasant, even if you encounter an officer who isn’t.
View the video below to watch their lesson. It covers what to expect during a traffic stop in under four minutes. “This video is designed to reduce the stress and anxiety through information and knowledge. An informed community is a safer community.” – Lt. Kris Tharp.
Now Ponder This!
When we use our manners to behave respectfully towards others, we ideally expect them to return the gesture. Realistically, that doesn’t always happen. Police officers are a symbol of authority and looked to as an example. Not all set a good one though, and bad experiences can be disheartening for those of any viewpoint.
Remember This For Handling Yourself During Police Confrontations….
When we abase each other we make unpleasant memories that cause discord and separation, which then leads to issues further contributing to a social crisis. The truth is that it’s important to consider how we interact with others.
How To Handle Police Encounters
Whether online or off, as a civilian or officer, our actions invoke a reaction from others. Developing and improving our social skills is vital for human survival, especially when handling police confrontations.
It’s possible as individuals for us to reach our highest levels of potential no matter our titles or hindrances. Social media is an excellent tool for getting practice. Practice is what makes the master.
Civil Rights Apply to All
Those who choose to partake in uncivil or lawless behavior risk harm or death the same as the lawful called upon to restrain them. There is no law anywhere in the world against self control, but those living by weapons risk dying by weapons.
Not All People Deserve the Condemnation
They’ve Endured
There are bad apples in every tree. It doesn’t mean the branches are bad or that the roots are dead. It’s important to remember that we’re all human beings. Most of us care to right the wrongs that are done. Don’t cut down the whole tree over the rotten produce, otherwise we miss out on the good fruit!
That’s why many humans enlist as officers and put their lives at risk in the first place. Productive members of society seek to labor according to our abilities in order to be enabled to provide for our families. The Police are people too.
It’s stated by definition that police officers aren’t civil servants, and that they’re lower ranked as public servants, yet it’s their job to respond first and intervene in all uncivil situations. They are meant as keepers of the peace for the betterment of the public, and they wear badges as symbols of authority, so I beg to differ about their importance.
When Police Fail to Set The Example
Civilians should think to set the example of respect by being the first to show it. We don’t need to be paid by the public to be civil or to live up to civil standards. Civility is necessary for any civilization to thrive. You may be surprised to discover how behavior is reciprocated.
Maybe you won’t. Even if you’ve been robbed, gaslighted, defamed, falsely accused, charged, jailed, maced, and beaten for having the audacity to regard your rights despite others violating them, don’t take it out on the next officer you see.
Guilt By Association
Furthermore, I’m not going to deny the negativity, it’s controversial, and I’ve had unpleasant experiences myself. Additionally, I’m well aware how predators will disguise themselves as protectors in an effort to gain easy access to prey. However, all predators in nature eventually wind up exposing themselves by their behaviors as individuals.
Moreover, my aim here is to point out the positive in an effort to make the most of what I’ve learned from my personal experiences with law enforcement officers. Don’t be afraid to go to jail! View it as another opportunity to speak with someone who may better understand you and your predicament.

The World is Riddled With News of Those Who Abuse Their Position of Trust & Power of Authority.
Predators deliberately seek out positions of trust and power of authority because it’s how they gain easy access to prey, but just like not all animals eat meat, not all people are predators.
Support Law Enforcement
We have to remember and remind ourselves that not all are guilty over those who are, regardless of our individual experiences with any bad apples that manage to infiltrate any association. If there’s any position we are all associated with first, it’s being human.
We all make mistakes. We all start out inexperienced and share the desire to succeed, as well as to celebrate our successes.
Police Lip Sync Challenge
When I saw the “Lip Sync Challenge” videos by departments all over the nation become viral sensations, I witnessed more than something fun and entertaining for people to watch.

Additionally, I saw a psychological tool for progress that triggered more than just my sense of respect for police officers. Not all of them are deliberately out to harm others.
Many have lost their lives genuinely trying to protect civil society. Furthermore, they have to deal with the mental and emotional repercussions of witnessing evil beings partake in horrible activities, and not all criminals are remorseful.
The most evil remain proud of causing destruction and death. Police officers have to train their minds to handle their emotions, and not just their own physical responses.
Moreover, I see it from an empowering point of view. For instance, lip sync challenge videos display our ability to relate, unite, and stand with each other as equals. Furthermore, they serve as reminders for our own and other nations through entertainment, that even though we’ve made mistakes our bonds can still be strengthened.
America is a melting pot of a nation, made up of cultures as various as the colors of the spectrum. We live in an era of worldwide virtual connection and our social structures are ever changing.
We can be conservative by holding on to the good and liberal by changing the bad. In other words, hold on to what works, and change what doesn’t. That’s how we find middle ground.
The best way to get along with someone who is different than us, or whom we disagree with, is to point out and focus on our likenesses before settling our differences. Handling police confrontations is a necessary life skill for everyone.
Below is a list of Lip Sync Challenge videos by various Police Departments
Wouldn’t it be neat to see more police departments all over the world represent themselves as keepers of the peace by accepting the challenge? I’ve certainly found it entertaining and educational.
Some tactics maybe unorthodox, but also extremely useful, especially when it’s a sense of moral duty that unites our communities. Click here and add your State to the search bar to see if your department has participated, and if you don’t see your local police department involved, then be the first to encourage them to participate.
All lives do matter, even those wearing the badges! Tune into a live police scanner online, listen, and you’ll learn more about what law enforcement has to deal with, as well understand how they’re only human too.
Leroy Police Department
Click to display the embedded YouTube video
Norfolk Virginia Police Department
Click to display the embedded YouTube video
Granite City Police Department (GCPD)
Click to display the embedded YouTube video
Should you wish to study how to become a police officer, apply to police academies first for training, because the job openings are endless.
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, earning a commission for qualifying purchases. Thanks for backing the badge! Check out the magic power of onions next!
Visit Happy Trails Farm
Happy Trails Farm is a Valuable Asset to Our Community
Happy Trails Farm is a great place to visit! Furthermore, it has more than fresh eggs to offer families. It’s country living in the city of Granite City. Not only is it a beautiful land venue for an outdoor wedding, it’s a fun place for the whole family to safely camp under the stars.
Furthermore it’s near the Historic Route 66 Flea Market. In other words, it’s a safe place to park a larger RV camper or just to pitch a tent and rest for a night, or spend a weekend. Ever heard of glamping?
Not all Heroes are Human & Bonds are Universal
If you wish to buy a mug to help support rescue horses in need of a forever home then please click here.
Visiting Happy Trails Farm
Firstly, this farm is open to the public for visitations on scheduled dates. Secondly, entry is free for most events. Thirdly, pony rides are just five dollars per child. Finally, located behind Walmart (in Granite City, Illinois,) and easy to access from interstates, it’s not a difficult drive to get there. In other words, I didn’t have to travel out of the city for genuine country-life experiences.
Visit Happy Trails Farm
Click to display the embedded YouTube video
Affordable Family Entertainment
I first discovered the farm after my mom boarded her horse there. Furthermore, it was ten minutes from the local hospital, my mom’s place of work at the time. In other words, it became like a home away from home for her. Happy Trails has bonfires, BBQ’s, birthday parties, and weddings.
Furthermore, I always found mom at the farm after work. She spent a lot of time grooming and bonding with her horse Pretty Girl. Moreover, having a horse was a childhood dream come true for mom, and their boarding services enabled her to make it happen.
All the animals were fond of my mom.
Furthermore, my children became fans of llamas after watching “The Emperor’s New Groove.” Your youngsters would enjoy meeting a real live llama after watching it too. Moreover, they’ll enjoy feeding the chickens, ducks, geese, and goats. Inquire about renting a campsite! Plan a picnic and pick peaches. Take horse riding lessons!
Additionally, pre-cut veggies and treats are available at the farm for purchase. However, we just brought bread and a bag of peppermints. Horses love peppermint! Moreover, spending time around all these majestic creatures taught us a lot about bonding, gentleness, and leadership skills.
Community Asset
In other words, this place is a strong asset to the community. Moreover, they have many valuable goods and services to offer the general public. Additionally, the farm offers horse boarding. Furthermore, Happy Trails offer farm fresh fowl eggs available for purchase.
Moreover, Happy Trails Farm has staff on board with the credentials to give riding lessons. One elder staff member is a barrel racing trophy holder. Additionally, farm animal rentals are available for private parties and public events.
Venue Rental
Venue rental is available for weddings, birthday parties, and other special events. Furthermore, they’re located near a famous landmark that has an equine trail. In other words, Happy Trails Farm is all that and a rescue too! Additionally, learn more by visiting the Happy Trails Farm website.
Happy Trails Farm Horse Rescue
Did you know you can help provide for the rescues that Happy Trails Farm offers a forever home for? There are many ways to assist their foundation. In other words, I volunteered there for a few years. Additionally, I made arrangements to sell a mug with the farm’s logo featured on it.
First, any profits earned from sales of the mug are donated to the Happy Trails Farm Horse Rescue Foundation. Secondly, it helps to cover the costs of rescuing animals, and maintaining the necessities of all the rescues, including vet costs. Click here to place your secured order. Finally, to learn about other ways you can help click here! Thank you for your consideration!
Attend a Fall Festival
Click to display the embedded YouTube video
Visit Happy Trails Farm and then follow on Facebook for updates.
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