Alfred Dunner Clothing Brand Review

Alfred Dunner Clothing Brand Review

Alfred Dunner is a clothing brand providing suitable attire for various occasions, from professional office meetings to service jobs. Furthermore, I’ve read of some claiming Alfred Dunner was only for old ladies. I disagree.  

Additionally, it’s a business casual style for the young working woman, as much as the nursing mother or retired elder.  In other words, it’s also formal corporate wear for females. 

Furthermore, I first discovered the Alfred Dunner Brand after shopping in a thrift shop for office work attire.  The dress code called for business casual pants as part of my uniform.  Moreover, it’s been my plus-size go-to brand ever since!

Comfortable & Appealing Style for Women

Additionally, I’ve worn Alfred Dunner clothing since I was a teenager, when I got my first job.  As a plus-size curvy shaped female, the solid black pants were suitable for any time I worked in a fast paced environment requiring swift movements, such as a fast food team member or waitressing.  

This brand is more than just business professional attire.  It’s appropriate work dress clothes.  Moreover,  Alfred Dunner supplies preferred comfort pants for uniform wearers. 

Alfred Dunner trousers are breathable, and just as well offer comfort when sitting in an office or cubicle. This brand has been around a while, however, it’s no less worthy of the positive reviews.  In other words, it’s not just a good brand, but one of the best kept secrets of business women!

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For instance, the quality material makes the business casual working woman look great while offering her provisions and ease of comfort whether standing, sitting, or moving around.  Alfred Dunner is a most comfortable and stylish plus size fashion. 

Supporting The Supportive

Furthermore, “Alfred Dunner Inc. is a family-owned and operated business driven by entrepreneurial sensibility.  “Living by the ‘handshake’ approach as well as word, and never compromising on either.  In essence, we care.” –

Holly Rorie Kaleidoscope face
Holly Rorie Kaleidoscope face

In other words, their deeds match their words. Speaking from two decades of experience as a satisfied plus size business casual attire customer, this brand isn’t just appropriate for elders. 

tie dye peace shirt
Design by Holly Rorie

For instance, I’ve been wearing Alfred Dunner clothing since I was a teenager and haven’t stopped.  God willing, I’ll keep myself comfortably covered by this reliable brand as I age and become and elder someday myself.  

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Adidas Fashion Review & Vintage Style Collectibles

Adidas Fashion Brand Review Vintage Styles & Collectibles

Adidas style is a fashion brand I’ve enjoyed as a style since my youth.  For instance, I wore a plus size jacket just like the one in the image below all throughout my twenties.  Moreover, vintage Adidas fashion clothing and shoes are highly collectible stylish items.  Did you know that Adidas caters to plus sized people?  I’m thankful!

Adidas vintage blue jacket
Vintage Adidas Jacket

Furthermore, some rare vintage Adidas items are collectible and worth a lot of money!  Additionally, I’m happy to review and note my continued satisfaction with the quality of Adidas brand merchandise.  I still shop the plus size rack!

I didn’t grow up getting to wear all that I wanted to.  However, I’m not complaining about it.  Moreover, I was fortunate to find the Adidas plus sizes on the racks in local thrift stores, and still do every now and then.  There’s no shame in being a thrifty shopper!

Adidas Puffer Jacket XXL
Adidas Puffer Jackets For Sale

Furthermore, from rare collectible vintage Adidas shoes, to windbreakers, and vintage 90’s puffer style Adidas jackets, I became partial to this fashion brand after many long lasting personal experiences of wearing vintage Adidas puffer jackets to keep me warm through many winters.

adidas brand 90s style insulated coat
Vintage Adidas Puffer Jackets

For instance, thrift store outlets rarely failed me when I wanted high quality clothes on an extremely low budgetFurthermore, Adidas has a vast amount of new clothing, shoes, and accessories.  I have a preference towards 90’s Vintage.

Furthermore, the quality of the Adidas can’t be beat either.  I admire Adidas fashion & style and remember the thick winter coats as the most popular style in school.  They were not only stylish, but also broke the wind and stored body heat.

vintage windbreaker jacket adidas
Adidas Puffer Jackets For Sale
Vintage Adidas Collectibles

Additionally, I found a vintage Adidas windbreaker jacket for twenty dollars at a thrift store in 2010.  Moreover, that jacket endured wear without tearing for at least a dozen years.  Black, white, and blue never goes out of style. 

neon retro rainbow colors creative creation tshirt
Neon Retro Rainbow Creative Creation

This website is a partnered associate and may contain affiliate links. Full disclosure is found here.

Yellow & Blue Freedom Collection Ukrainian Inspired

Yellow & Blue Ukrainian Inspired 2022 Freedom Collection: What is Freedom?

What is freedom? “Freedom is the power of right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.”  Moreover, freedom is “a state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.”

In other words, maintaining freedom requires listening to and following our own conscience as individuals.  Moreover, it means to develop and apply moral sense.  Yellow & Blue are the Ukrainian national flag colors.  These colors represent the blue skies and golden wheat fields of Ukraine. 

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I’m happy to introduce the Yellow & Blue Ukrainian Inspired 2022 Freedom Collection.  Did you know the Ukrainian Tryzub or Trident Emblem dates back more than a millennium?  The trident was minted on Ukraine’s oldest coinage.

Furthermore, with freedom comes personal accountability.  It doesn’t mean freedom from individual responsibility, nor the right to abuse our liberties.  Moreover, if you carefully listen to Jesus, he didn’t imply not to judge at all, but to learn to judge sound judgment as individuals. 

What is Capitalism?

Capitalism is defined as “an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.” In other words, capitalism in the USA is what enabled me to gain an education based upon my personal interests, to which I then apply the skills to earn an honest income, whilst I keep myself occupied for a living.

The Concept of Money From My Point of View

Capitalism enables me to enjoy the fruit of my own labor, whilst assisting others.  Furthermore, money is made of minerals and plants the same as medicine has been. Wisdom and understanding is better than money, because solutions are what solve problems. For instance, I created a simple blog utilizing what I had at hand to generate multiple streams of income earned from traffic online, to enable myself financial security.

Coinage is Historical Artwork

In other words, capitalism is how I began earning an income from a hobby endeavor, writing about coin examinations via Furthermore, the more I studied, the more I learned, that coinage is the king of hobbies and hobby of kings for good reason.  All coins feature impactful leaders.

For example, money also tells history.  Coinage is as much historical artwork, as it is a form of currency.  Additionally, that’s why various prosperous nations preserve and continue to utilize it.  Have you ever seen the face of Jesus Christ on money before?

The Face of Jesus Christ on Coins

Did you know the face of Jesus is visible on ancient Ukrainian coinage? It’s true, Jesus is on money too.  For instance, “The obverse of zlatnyks features the prince on a throne, the tryzub trident and the legend “ВЛАДИМИР НА СТОЛЕ” (Volodymyr on a throne). The reverse depicts the face of Jesus and the legend “А СЕ ЕГО ЗЛАТО” (and this is his gold).” The image below is courtesy the National Bank of Kyiv History.

Accountability: Honesty & Courage Makes Freedom Ring True

Furthermore, in the USA, individuals are accountable for our own decisions. That’s how all preserve one and one preserves all.  Moreover, the USA is a free country, and I intend to help keep it that way long after my own flesh returns to the elements.

For example, I trained my own children to be autonomous and that their voices matter too.  This is why We The People vote in the USA!  Our vote is our voice. In other words, I encouraged my youth to learn how to handle their own affairs.

Should all suffer punishment over the few?  I think not!  If a sin is wrong and a mistake is a wrong, then a sin is a mistake, and we all make them.  Admitting faults and learning from mistakes is what prevents us from repeating them.

In Defense of Nations

Volodymyr Zelenskyy and 44 million other Ukrainians raised their voices together in unison TO SAY NO to an autocratic barbaric dictating bully, practicing autocracy instead of autonomy!  I think the free and autonomous majority of peoples around the globe agree with them defending the existence of their historical nation.  Moreover, all are in favor of the preservation of all our own too.

Borders & Boundaries

Furthermore, Jesus didn’t tell any of us to stand by and allow our homes to be robbed by lawless thieves. Self defense is a natural law, not just a human right.  That’s why all creatures display self defense behaviors.  In other words, don’t attack to avoid being attacked back.  It’s a simple concept to grasp.


Ukrainian National Identity

Moreover, Ukrainians have fought and fight to defend more than just their freedom to exist upon the globe, and to preserve more than just their own territorial integrity and ancestral history!

For instance, these fellow humans think and feel the same as the rest of us, who love our own peoples of our own countries just as much, regardless our differing tribal and national identities.  In other words, we all regard our own ancestral heritage.  Ukraine has been around for centuries. Cheers to another millennium!

Yellow and Blue Ukrainian National Colors Inspired Designs
Reparations From Russia

Furthermore, it’s come to my attention that some people, such as Putin, lack a global map!  Indeed it is was him and his regime who influenced conflict, and were the invaders of Ukraine in 2014, and again in 2022!  Furthermore, reparations are now necessary from Russia for enabling him, no different than when the Soviet Union and Germany blindly enabled Hitler.

Yellow & Blue Ukrainian Inspired 2022 Freedom Collection

Additionally, the Yellow & Blue Ukrainian Inspired 2022 Freedom Collection are products designed with the intention of serving as a visual reminder of the positive impact that Ukrainians have made on others around the world, in this century!  I’m a United States Citizen who loves my country, and my neighbors as myself.  Furthermore, all proceeds from any of these designs are reserved for organizations that assist Ukrainians. 

Free From the Grasp of Autocratic Dictators

Furthermore, people from around the globe share their personal experiences on the internet in this day in age, including Ukrainians.  They have courageously fought and continue to fight for the freedom of Ukraine, every Ukrainian, and billions more peoples upon the globe, to live freely from the grasp of autocratic dictators behaving like Hitler, Stalin, and Putin.  Slava Ukraini!  God Bless Our Globe!

"Help Others to Lead Better Lives." - Volodymyr Zelenskyy

The determination of Ukrainians to be free, to defend their heritage, and honor their history has positively influenced peoples around the world.  This is why the international community supports Ukrainian Freedom, now and in the future.

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Goodwill Towards Mankind

“When we do business consciously,” it helps prosper more than just our own lives. Potentially billions of lives are saved by our time and efforts applied wisely. When we work for the benefit of others as much as for ourselves whilst we exist upon the earth, it’s goodwill towards humankind.

I personally do care more about feeling safe and being free, than I ever did about being broke. Furthermore, money isn’t all that makes a person wealthy.  It’s the love of money by individuals that is the root of evil.  Not money itself.  Money can’t buy manners, or loyalty.

These designs are meant to serve as a reminder to anyone from anywhere upon the globe, that everyone needs somebody to care sometimes.  It’s those who humble themselves to ask for help when in need and seek it out, that do receive. 

When Nations Support One Another

Furthermore, nations supporting one another rather than violently rivaling, enables the global economy overall to improve.  We all still share the land upon the same globe, regardless our own perceived appearances, entitlements, and labels.  Additionally, humans are made of the elements of the earth, and we are accountable from generation to generation, to support and prosper one another, rather than to plunder our globe.

Autonomy & Philanthropy

There is no law against self control, so practice autonomy too!  To peacefully prosper one another, is to enjoy the fruits of our own labor, as we occupy ourselves with our limited time in the flesh as individuals.  Philanthropy is defined as “the desire to promote the welfare of others.”  In other words, it’s a noble endeavor for anyone with a conscience!

Benefiting Those Who Benefit Others

I reiterate, when nations support one another, rather than resort to violently rivaling (like Putin chose to force Russia to do against Ukraine in 2014 & 2022,) the global economy improves overall.  Furthermore, Freedom and justice for all is achieved by individual accountability.

Moreover, the Yellow & Blue Ukrainian Inspired 2022 Freedom Collection is designed to assist Ukraine with reparations.  We’re better off being constructive with, than to be destructive of any.

Finally, a 100% of profits from any sales of the Yellow & Blue Ukrainian Inspired 2022 Freedom Collection will go directly to a United States Non-Profit benefiting Ukraine.

Additionally, subscribe to United24!  It’s a program initiative by the President of Ukraine, created by Philanthropist Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and designed for the benefit of his constituents during a time of extreme distress and hardship, which has taken place on the European continent for far too long.

Ukrainian Inspired Design Creative

It’s the courage of Zelenskyy, of Ukrainians overall, as well as their national flag colors, and the historical Emblem of Ukraine, that has served as an inspiration for my yellow and blue Ukrainian inspired 2022 freedom accessories & fashion collection. Happy Heritage Neighbors!

I couldn’t stand by and just watch all the talk about it anymore. In the USA, humans are encouraged to be all we can be. It was time to speak my piece and take action according to the best of my abilities too. Thank you for listening, and for helping me help others too. I Stand with Ukraine.  Shine on Superstars!  With love, from the USA!

God Bless Our Globe

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"Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility. For the person who is unwilling to grow up, the person who does not want to carry his own weight, this is a frightening prospect." - Eleanor Roosevelt.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy as Paddington Bear

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Help Support Ukraine
Philanthropists & Humanitarians Working Together Makes the Globe a Better Place for all to Live and Thrive Upon.


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Like the wind can carry a feather a distance
A little support goes a long way
Helping one another
To weather any storms together

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Learn to Speak Ukrainian Language

Fashion Designer & Celebrity Stylist Ola Hawatmeh

High End Fashion Couture

From sunglasses, to casual & formal wear, swimwear, and wedding attire, to running for office, Ola Hawatmeh is Creative & Proactive!

“Though  Ola Hawatmeh attended Marist College in New York for journalism and communications, she always had a natural talent for fashion design. “My grandfather owned a fabric store, so it’s in my genes,” she says. “I have always loved fashion and remember as a kid in elementary school I would be the one dressed different, with pink Reeboks and a fedora.”  The fashionista went on to model for famed New York designer Patricia Field during college before soon landing her first styling gig – for actress Brooke Shields in the 1999 movie The Weekend. “Right there, I knew this is what I wanted to do,” Hawatmeh says.

As a celebrity stylist, Hawatmeh has worked with stars from Kim Kardashian to Chingy and Nelly, American Idol and Real Housewives cast members, and, recently, actors including Ron Perlman and Michael Carbonaro, as well as the cast of the Showtime series Ray Donovan.” ~ Ladue News

2018 Wedding Collection
Now AvailablePhotography by Preston Page.  

Atlantic City Fashion Week  2018 Showcase.

Video courtesy of Tyrone Mitchell.

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Ola Hawatmeh graced the world with her presence as a model, fashion designer, and celebrity stylist, but her philanthropy has made her stand out in places such as St. Louis, Missouri, New York, LA, and beyond.  Her personal experiences influence and inspire her collections.

Fashion Design CourseIf you wish to find Ola on social media follow her on twitter or join the conversation on facebook.

Fashion News

Ola Style Survivor Fashion Show

  The  first year Ola Style Survivor Fashion Show  took place in St. Louis, Missouri to benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation.  The event was held at the Hilton St. Louis Frontenac on October 26, 2018 from 7pm-9pm and was open to the general public.   Every model was a survivor who has battled with breast cancer.   Click here to see photos!

Tickets sold online came close to $3000.0o, but because of the silent auction this event raised more than $20,000.  Trisha Yearwood, Garth Brooks, Fox News Network host Sean Hannity, and other fabulous designers and various artists contributed to the success of the event.   The video below shows the items auctioned.

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Want to purchase Ola Style designs?

Make it simple.  Print screen an image of the piece you want and contact her directly with your size for a price quote.

View more of Ola’s collections.

black bikini swimwearolastyle gownsAre you drawn to and want to know how you can make a name for yourself in the fashion industry?

The Fsahion Designer Survival Guide BookYou’ve got to immerse yourself in the niche.

Fashion News Live on Amazon PrimeStudy all about fashion to educate and enable yourself.

 How To Start A Home Based Fashion Design BusinessSee you at Fashion Week!
Ola Hawatmeh at Fashion Week Watch The 2017  Ola Style Showcase Below.

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To become successful it helps to surround ourselves by successful people.  Be willing to learn directly from other professionals in the fashion industry.  You can get your foot in almost any door by offering your services as an intern to gain experience.

The Little Dictionary of Fashion book by Christian DiorAre you a future fashion icon?

Ola Style eyewear is available for purchase at Copperhinge

Click here to see more videos with Ola.

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